Okey dokey. I got myself a blog and now I'm tryin' to figure out what to write about. This is harder than you might think. I live a pretty uneventful life out here on the bayou. Oh, right...I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Melanie (mel to most everybody who knows me) and I'm a 53 year old woman. I am mother to one grown son, Sebe (short for Sebastian), and fostermom to 3 dogs and 2 cats. I am a polymer clay/mixed media artist, collector of many things, avid reader, puzzle worker, amateur photographer and, now, blogger! Heh, heh. I guess that last one will soon be proved or disproved! I have multiple sclerosis...diagnosed in 1989...so my life is different from most of ya'll's. Slower, for sure. I live in the Mississippi Delta with my parents and son. Yes, we all share one house and, no, we don't drive each other crazy. We actually enjoy livin' together. ;o) I am truly so very thankful to be able to live this slower kind of life where I get to know the people that I love the most! This wasn't the life I envisioned for myself when I was growin' up...I lived in books and saw myself as the heroine of most of them. I guess I've always lived in my own world...I don't fit in very well to the "real world". Bein' disabled...now, that's a misnomer if I've ever heard one because most of us can do lots of stuff, just not the stuff that let's us hold down a 9 to 5 job...has given me many advantages, along with the obvious disadvantages. It has allowed me to concentrate on my art, to explore it as much as I care to, to use it as therapy and recreation rather than a means of makin' money (altho I'm not averse to makin' money!). It has allowed me to spend more time with my immediate family because there are things that I need help with, things I couldn't do if I were out on my own. It has given me an excuse to live with my parents long past the time that most folks leave the nest which, in our society, is frowned upon. I have learned to adapt to the circumstances that this illness places upon me and actually enjoy them. Up until 2 months ago, I was walkin' a mile a day and playin' ball with Sebe whenever we felt like it and was feelin' healthier than I had in years. Then I started havin' arm problems...I won't go into all that now...and that ended up throwin' me into an exacerbation. Well, I got 4 days of intravenous treatment with a steroid and then was to be weaned off with prednisone...this gave me almost constant reflux and I ended up stoppin' the prednisone cold turkey. This, of course, threw me into another exacerbation...sometimes you really can't win for losin' !! Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and I'm beginnin' to feel better! Woohooo!!
You know, sometimes your prayers get answered in the weirdest ways. I always pray for humility...it seems so easy (and almost harmless) to become smug about yourself in relation to others. It's so easy to utter platitudes and believe that you are livin' what you're preachin' when you're really not. I always say to people that you only have 2 choices in life...you can either be happy or unhappy and I really do believe that. What I didn't realize is how hard it can be to choose to be happy when your circumstances change or aren't what you can easily adapt to. Durin' this time of the exacerbations, almost all I could do was read. Now, I love to read but everything gets old when you can do nothin' else. I got bored. I found myself gettin' cranky and takin' it out on my family and I was forced to reevaluate some of those platitudes I'd uttered so unthinkingly to others. I had to choose to make myself happy and, in this choice, I felt God's hand. I'm just tellin' ya'll this so you can see that often the things we need come from the things that we don't want. And, I'm extremely thankful that it seems to be comin' to an end!
You know, sometimes your prayers get answered in the weirdest ways. I always pray for humility...it seems so easy (and almost harmless) to become smug about yourself in relation to others. It's so easy to utter platitudes and believe that you are livin' what you're preachin' when you're really not. I always say to people that you only have 2 choices in life...you can either be happy or unhappy and I really do believe that. What I didn't realize is how hard it can be to choose to be happy when your circumstances change or aren't what you can easily adapt to. Durin' this time of the exacerbations, almost all I could do was read. Now, I love to read but everything gets old when you can do nothin' else. I got bored. I found myself gettin' cranky and takin' it out on my family and I was forced to reevaluate some of those platitudes I'd uttered so unthinkingly to others. I had to choose to make myself happy and, in this choice, I felt God's hand. I'm just tellin' ya'll this so you can see that often the things we need come from the things that we don't want. And, I'm extremely thankful that it seems to be comin' to an end!
Howdy from TaterCat in Jackson ! I love your blog!
You need to tell everyone how amazingly wonderful your polymer clay creations are !! I wear one of your
pins almost every day - they make me smile!!
Big smoochies to you, your wonderful family, and the critters. We still need to plan our visit - but I know I will get to see you in October !!
BTW, Kevin isn't coming this year (boo hoo). So, I guess that means that YOU will have to sing Ethel Merman show tunes with me, and lead charges across the grounds wearing a toad house on your head. tee hee. Tatercat Jean
Well, aren't you the sweetie-pie, Jean?!! So good to hear from you!! Bring your bad self down here any 'ol time you want...I'd love to get the chance to visit with you!! So would Sebe and Nanie and Pop!!
What's goin' on with Kevin? I hope he's ok! Honey, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket and I'm afraid that Kevin has the only toad house that I know of. I'm sure we can think of somethin' though. ;o) (insert evil grin here!)
Thanks for stoppin' by!! Love you!!
You write very well Mom! I love how well you are able to express yourself and you have a wonderful sense of humor.
I am very glad your exacerbations seem to have passed and that you are feeling some relief.
Hey, Melanie! Glad you're feeling better. I love to read Southern writers who write the way they talk. Yay! I thought I would start a blog back in February, but I only posted once! Ha. I'm not very good at follow-through. Oh well.
Love, Keryn
Hey Melanie! Really enjoyed our blog even though I did not respond timely. Don't think you will have a problem with "words"--probably inherited that from your mom. Hope all of you are doing better. I echo TaterCat's comments about your polymer clay creations. Do let everyone know about your talents.
Love you lots,Bettye
I have never done this and left you a lengthy message. Did it come through? ---LOved the photo. I saved it and put it on my Facebook, "Kay Mitchell Robinson". If you have others post them. Myrna never ever took any photos and I had never seen that. Let me know if you got my original message after we visted the other day. Kay Mitchell Robinson
Mel, I could sit and listen to you talk for hours and you write just like you talk... from real life. I love your blog. I only wish I had known about it in July when you first started writing. I'm going link it to my blog just as soon as I hit the "publish" button. You'll find the link on argonone.blogspot.com. Take care.
Mel, I enjoy your first blog entry so much that I have to keep coming back to visit. You said... "I always say to people that you only have 2 choices in life...you can either be happy or unhappy and I really do believe that. What I didn't realize is how hard it can be to choose to be happy when your circumstances change or aren't what you can easily adapt to."... and that is so absolutely true. Especially during economic times and war times like these, I just have to take a deep breath once in a while and put on a smile... and mean it! Thanks for your profound words.
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