Sunday, July 27, 2008

How to comment

I've had some folks askin' how to comment...well, you just click on the number of comments that a post has(ya know, down at the bottom where it says 0 comments) and it will take you to a page where you can write your comment. It took me forever to figure that out!! So, go ahead, leave me some comments!!! And, thanks to all who have!


Kay Kay said...


ok-I earlier wrote an epistle only to apparently have deleted it not knowing I had to join or get a
"007" id. So I will try again.

I so enjoyed talking with you yesterday. It brought back many fond memories of your Mom's brilliance in coming up with creative things to occupy our down time and keep us out from under her heels when we were very young. See, Melanie and I lived across Church street from each other. Janie would have us washing rocks in jars fully convinced they were changing colors when we were only cleaning them. We would hunt for hours for the rocks, put them in a jar with water and baking soda and shake them , convinced we could actually see them changing colors. Or perhaps we might occupy another day with the "bug cemetery". Melanie, ever being the bleeding heart even way back then, would never consider actualy killing the bug. No, we had to find them already dead. We'd place them in a match box and bury them, complete with a cross and flowers. ( Naturally I would end up marrying the son of a mortician.) Callie would usually be around perhaps "digging to China" , another Janie invention. Or later riding his mini-bike or burning leaves or perhaps, himself! And Melanie had the absolute coolest treehouse in town, since Carroll Jr. had remodeled the kitchen and taken the linoleum off the floor and floored the treehouse . Who else had a treehouse with such beautiful flooring? Or Janie might have us put on a circus act which included bike tricks or appearances by the two headed Fat Lady(Melanie and me in one of Janie's nightgowns together). We had tricks planned for that too but Melanie turned her somersault and I didn't which created quite a twist that had to be manually corrected. And of course, do you recall the hours of baton lessons at Nina's. All Miss Mississippi wannabe's take baton, don't they? We spent hours playing our 45 records on our record players. We had one record where you liked one side and I the other. "Betty Sue" comes to mind. We would dance and swing bead necklaces around just having a ball. And we LOVED The Monkees. Believe it or not Davy Jones actually came to Dallas for a concert a few years ago. My girlfriends all pooped out after a bad thunder storm with lightning. I was determined to go so Jimmy went with me knowing how bad I wanted to see Davy. Well, he just did not have the same allure as when I was a 4th-grader. He was over 50, still five foot nothing and was wearing old man double knit pants. The thrill was gone! Rememeber visiting the shut-ins! We did that at least once a week. Do you recall riding the bus to Clarksdale, barefoot with your guitar (that you could not play a note on) embellished with happy flowers. --Our attempt at Woodstock, I suppose!
When we became teenagers, I will never forget riding around in the turquoise Buckskin Leather van that you could not get into reverse. We would ride around forever trying to find a place to stop that had a u -turn. And the backseats were folding lawn chairs complete with hay and horse show paraphernalia. Then there was high school and the senior play and your role as Victrola, which today of course would not be politically correct. But you were made for the role and took the house down with your performance! And remember every single time I came over, I accidentally broke something, even continuing the tradition when I came to visit about 10 years ago. True to form, the arm of the chair I was sitting in fell off! We always found ways to entertain ourselves in teeney tiny Tutwiler, which is most certainly a part of the tapestry that makes us who we are. Enjoyed the visit. Take care of yourself and keep in touch. Give my love to the rest of your family!

Kay Ann Mitchell Robinson

Ann said...

Thank Kay, I read her comment and "joined"...remember, I am a novice with this "blogging" thing.

I enjoy your thoughts and comments so much and enjoyed reading Kays' memories of you two growing us. I can just see Janie keeping you busy. I'm a dozen years older than you so I grew up entertaining myself too. I lived outside town and the only other kid nearby was a boy. The kids on the school bus kidded him about playing with a girl and he denied it loudly - I just play with Ann, he said. Anyhow, I think we grew up "creating" our fun and we still do that!

Say hi to your folks (what a great picture of Cal) ..See you in Oct.

Love ya, Ann