So what, you might ask, have I been doin' all this time since I obviously have not been bloggin'. Well, the answer is that my health problems worsened for quite some time and I have been tryin' to get to feelin' better. I was diagnosed almost 6 months ago with fibromyalgia...on top of the multiple sclerosis I already have. It's the fibromyalgia that has been kickin' my be-hind!! I have also been havin' some problems with my new neurologist and am thinkin' about changin' docs. Add to that, trouble gettin' Medicaid to pay for some of the meds and you can see why I just haven't had the energy to blog. However...things began to look up a short while ago and I am beginnnin' to want to focus on some of the things I've been meanin' to do. Like blog. And, work with the clay's been about 9 months since I've felt like workin' with it and I'm findin' it difficult to get back into.
Also, Sebe (my son) has left home and gone to live with Cally (my brother) in Corinth, Ms. That is in the hills and his asthma is so much better there. He's actually able to run outside there...somethin' he's never been able to do much of here. He's also plannin' to attend college! He's to start slow with a couple of classes beginnin' in July and go from there!! I can't begin to tell you how proud of him I am!! It's not been easy for him...he had to drop out of high school at the beginnin' of the 11th grade due to health problems. He had missed 30 days or more every year but one up to that time, includin' the last 2 months of the 10th grade and when he had to be hospitalized for 2 weeks after the first week of the 11th grade, it was decided that he was just too far behind to continue. At the time I thought it was the best thing for him but I failed to understand that it might made him feel like a failure, and it did. He is on disability and really could just coast thru life on what he gets from the government...and he did this for a few years...but eventually he decided that wasn't enough for him and he got his GED and studied for almost a year on his own before takin' his ACT. It's an adjustment for me and Nanie and Pop with him gone, but we are all so proud of him and happy that he's workin' toward achievin' his goals!!
I have started a couple of endeavors with differin' amounts of success. The first is the harmonica! I had more than one reason for wantin' to learn...the first is that I'd love to be able to play with Sebe while he's playin' his guitar! Then, I also think it will be good for my breathin' takes a lot of breath control. I can play Oh When The Saints Go Marching In v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y and that's about it so far. But I've got an instruction book and a cd and I'm pretty determined to learn. I'll let y'all know how it goes! ;o)

Nanie and Pop and I also started to learn some sign language. Some of Nanie's family are deaf and she's always wanted to be able to sign with them. Her dad knew how but never taught her. We began by learnin' one thing a far, we can sign "Hello. My name is ________. What is your name? How are you?" We've been extremely lax lately but I'm hopin' we'll pick it back up
The other thing I've been workin' on is my garden/bird sanctuary in the back yard. My computer is set up by french doors that look right out onto this area and I wanted to be able to take photos of birds close up, so Nanie (my mom) and Pop (my dad) and I built a platform feeder right outside the doors. I recently was given a lot of planters and decided to start a container garden. I have more than 15 potted plants out there includin' 2 tomatoes. I've already gotten a couple of small tomatoes and they taste sooooo good!! All acid-y like they used to sunshine in your mouth!! I could eat them with cottage cheese every day if I could grow enough! I'm really enjoyin' this space and I water every day so get a bit of exercise that way...speakin' of which, today is fertilizer day. Guess I better go get busy! BTW, if any of y'all wanna see photos of the birds that I've attracted there or the flowers, go here. If you do, please leave me a comment or two so I'll know what you think!!
'Til next time...and I promise I'll try to write much more often...y'all keep smilin' and try to get outside and enjoy the beauty all 'round!! Smoooooches and hugs!!
Also, Sebe (my son) has left home and gone to live with Cally (my brother) in Corinth, Ms. That is in the hills and his asthma is so much better there. He's actually able to run outside there...somethin' he's never been able to do much of here. He's also plannin' to attend college! He's to start slow with a couple of classes beginnin' in July and go from there!! I can't begin to tell you how proud of him I am!! It's not been easy for him...he had to drop out of high school at the beginnin' of the 11th grade due to health problems. He had missed 30 days or more every year but one up to that time, includin' the last 2 months of the 10th grade and when he had to be hospitalized for 2 weeks after the first week of the 11th grade, it was decided that he was just too far behind to continue. At the time I thought it was the best thing for him but I failed to understand that it might made him feel like a failure, and it did. He is on disability and really could just coast thru life on what he gets from the government...and he did this for a few years...but eventually he decided that wasn't enough for him and he got his GED and studied for almost a year on his own before takin' his ACT. It's an adjustment for me and Nanie and Pop with him gone, but we are all so proud of him and happy that he's workin' toward achievin' his goals!!
I have started a couple of endeavors with differin' amounts of success. The first is the harmonica! I had more than one reason for wantin' to learn...the first is that I'd love to be able to play with Sebe while he's playin' his guitar! Then, I also think it will be good for my breathin' takes a lot of breath control. I can play Oh When The Saints Go Marching In v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y and that's about it so far. But I've got an instruction book and a cd and I'm pretty determined to learn. I'll let y'all know how it goes! ;o)

Nanie and Pop and I also started to learn some sign language. Some of Nanie's family are deaf and she's always wanted to be able to sign with them. Her dad knew how but never taught her. We began by learnin' one thing a far, we can sign "Hello. My name is ________. What is your name? How are you?" We've been extremely lax lately but I'm hopin' we'll pick it back up

The other thing I've been workin' on is my garden/bird sanctuary in the back yard. My computer is set up by french doors that look right out onto this area and I wanted to be able to take photos of birds close up, so Nanie (my mom) and Pop (my dad) and I built a platform feeder right outside the doors. I recently was given a lot of planters and decided to start a container garden. I have more than 15 potted plants out there includin' 2 tomatoes. I've already gotten a couple of small tomatoes and they taste sooooo good!! All acid-y like they used to sunshine in your mouth!! I could eat them with cottage cheese every day if I could grow enough! I'm really enjoyin' this space and I water every day so get a bit of exercise that way...speakin' of which, today is fertilizer day. Guess I better go get busy! BTW, if any of y'all wanna see photos of the birds that I've attracted there or the flowers, go here. If you do, please leave me a comment or two so I'll know what you think!!
'Til next time...and I promise I'll try to write much more often...y'all keep smilin' and try to get outside and enjoy the beauty all 'round!! Smoooooches and hugs!!