Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm not very good at this bloggin'...

Ok. Hard to believe my last post was in AUGUST. I really meant to do this more often. In my defense, I have had more (of the same) health problems, did a craft show, had a computer,'s really not my fault!! Yeah, right. Anyway, I'm gonna start again and try to do better.
Thanksgivin' came and went with nary a thing new or different. We didn't have turkey and dressin' or cranberry sauce or any of the other traditional stuff. We just ate the same old stuff. It was good stuff and I was thankful for it! But...the day after Thanksgivin' was pretty special. Sebe and I were invited to the home of friends in Collierville...I'm gonna call them The Perfect Family ('cause they are!). We met at their lovely home and went to Booya's for lunch. I had the biggest hamburger I've ever seen and a buncha big ol' fries...I couldn't eat but half of the burger and about 4 fries. It was really delicious...just far too much for me!
After lunch, we went to the beautiful Square in Collierville for an afternoon of photography! Yeah, boy, that was some kinda fun!! There was much to see and shoot's a picturesque place with parked trains (some used now as restaurants) and antique shops everywhere. We walked all over and the high point for me was when we met this adorable Basset Hound. Her name was Pickles and TPFD2(the perfect family daughter #2) and I spent some quality time with her. Her owner was quite friendly and talkative and invited us to his home for leftover pie...I think he said they had 20 somethin' different kinds!! We had to decline (frowny face) because we were off to Barnes and Noble, the bookstore where TPFD1 works. I...ahem...bought a few books and, on the way out, we noticed that there were dogs for adoption. In Barnes and Nobles! I had no idea that adoptions were ever held anywhere but pet stores. We all fell under the spell of the most adorable terrier mix. She was no longer a puppy...a year and a half old...and seemed to be the sweetest pup imaginable. Think Benji but even cuter and a girl! Well, TPFM was very resistant to the idea of a new pup...they lost their last one about a year ago and he had been very ill for 3 years or so and she had been the one to tend to him the most. She and TPFF had sworn they wouldn't get another pup and have to go through this again. When they seemed determined to leave her there, I had to go outside and cry because it seemed to me that I could see in her eyes that she knew she wouldn't be goin' home with them. I know that's's just how I see things. Anyway, we did leave her there and it made all of us sad.
We went back to the house to eat pizza we'd picked up on the way (yummmm!) and, as we were sittin' around the table, the subject of the dog came up again. Eventually, TPFM was persuaded to give her a try and we went back to B&N and picked her up! It was so excitin'!!! The first thing she did when we walked in the house was teetee...on the carpet. Yeah. And, the second thing she did was poop. On the carpet! Yikes!!! I could not believe it!! She was put in the backyard for a short time and when she came back in, she began to explore her new home and get to know her new family.
Not long after the new pup came home, Sebe and I had to leave. We hated to have such a magical time come to an end but both of us were tired. We didn't get home til 12:30 and I felt absolutely awful the next day. I overdid it...pretty easy for me to do, feelin' like I've been feelin' for some time now...but it was worth it! I've read TPFF's blog and it seems they named the pup MOlly and have all bonded very closely with her. Especially TPFM!!! This makes me sooooo happy!! Apparently, she's now TPFP! And, all's well that ends well.